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Hi Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA here! 

After 40 years working as a Registered Nurse in various inpatient and outpatient services, new program launch and development I started my entrepreneur journey by opening a C2 Your Health LLC a health and wellness company who recieved many awards for production, and health maintainace programs. In 2010 I began a much-needed women mentoring program for college women seeking to learn more about how to become healthier and entrepreneurship as a career choice. In July 2018 I formalized the mentoring program with the creation of C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Inc. (501c3). To more about me click here


Where will journey take me?

What I do know wherever I go, I will be paying it forward for all the strong women who helped me in my business life, I will be using my voice to empower women entrepreneur transformation, supporting women while they step into their greatness. 

Women who seek entrepreneurship are always more than they think they are. Within a woman entrepreneur is the ability shape her own destiny and with the right tools we have the opportunity to help her start over in a new direction every day until she finds her way.

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 Individually, we are one drop. 

Together, we are an ocean.  With action a title wave.

After organizing the Expo for Women Ladies Day Out for 10 years  I realized, women entrepreneurs needed support to find their voice, identify their strengths, connect to successful women entrepreneurs mentors and come together leaning into not only your own strength, leaning into the women entrepreneur community to build economic success. 

In 2018 after many discussions with the women entrepreneurs in our community, evaluating the women entrepreneur business resources and literature research, a grass roots movement formed leading to the birth of C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. a nonprofit organization formed to serve high school girls, women in college and women from low-income neighborhoods, connect to mentoring, business resources, develop leadership skills, confidence building activities and inspiration. We believe with the support experienced mentors, coming together as a community supporting each other as they move their business forward.

C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative has been wildly successful which brings me great joy. In this journey three years ago, we have brought together our community of women entrepreneurs to the 1st Women’s Entrepreneur Summit being the 1st Northern Indiana, Southern Michigan regional conference targeting women entrepreneurs. Last year the Women Entrepreneur Hub community mastermind & networking gatherings continued to build community, encouraging women to lean into each other’s strengths to increase economic success.

In 2019 the 1st 20 women were accepted into the Women Entrepreneur Excellence program. Within a few months, the 2020 pandemic was in full swing, the entrepreneur mentoring program quickly pivoted to online, with women entrepreneurs all adjusting, and pivoting their business to economic stability graduating after 11 months of rigorous study, with 9 women completing C2YHWI Women Entrepreneur Excellence Course and 1st Women Entrepreneur Excellence Certification in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. Every women entrepreneur business in the mentoring program, either maintained, or grew their business during the pandemic. Amazing!

To hear women entrepreneurs say, how powerful and inspiring it has been to have received benefit from the C2YHWI mentoring program, and how if it had not been for the mentoring program, they would not have a business today, fills my heart with joy and promise for the future.

Michiana Women Entrepreneur Community is Coming Together to
Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs at the
Women Entrepreneur Small Business Spotlight Showcase Event

We are meeting up in the Riverpark neighborhood at the woman owned beautiful Rio Park Events center on

Tuesday, August 23rd 10:00am - 3:00pm, for C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative alongside prominent Michiana women entrepreneur community organizers are launching the premier event of the summer the Women Entrepreneur Small Business Spotlight Showcase Advance. Elevate. Innovate. Event.

This 5-hour event was created and designed to put in the spotlight women entrepreneur businesses celebrating new innovative ideas, business pivots, products, and services spotlighting their accomplishments and showcasing their businesses to the community.  The Women Entrepreneur Small Business Spotlight Showcase Event Advance. Elevate. Innovate launch pad provides leadership opportunities, resources, and community connections to women entrepreneur small businesses to advance, elevate and encourage new business innovations.


This event is an extension of our successful Women Entrepreneur Small Business Spotlight Interview Series and the Women Entrepreneur Summit Round Tables for Success (November). We are expecting 40 Spotlight Exhibitors, celebrating women entrepreneurs with award recognition Michiana Women Entrepreneurs to Watch 2022, and hosting a Community-wide Grand Opening Launch Party and expecting 250 attendees.


Since 2018 C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc.(501c3) has been bringing the Michiana community of women together to support women who are aspiring, new startups, struggling. seasoned and successful women entrepreneurs from low-income areas. C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative inc. envisions a healthier, happier, and productive community by supporting women’s economic success through women entrepreneurship success, focusing on the next steps, realizing their leadership potential and dream big through women entrepreneur mentoring and community collaboration.

Join Our Mission

C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative envisions healthier, happier, and productive communities by providing support and resources for women and young girls. We not only recognize their leadership potential, we inspire them to dream big, focus on the next steps and to realize their potential as entrepreneurs through women mentoring.


About the Women Entrepreneur Showcase Event


Benefits of attending this event: It’s no secret that women entrepreneurs need mentoring. By listening and connecting with successful women entrepreneurs at in-person events, networks are built, and people leave feeling supported and inspired.


Women’s Equality Day: Women’s Equality Day is celebrated on August 26 to commemorate the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote on August 18, 1920. Today Women’s Equality Day so much more.  At the Women Entrepreneur Small Business Spotlight Showcase has dedicated space to learn the ropes, share knowledge, grow their skill sets and grow their professional network. #WomensEqualityDay

Target Audience: Women from all walks of life including senior high school girls, college women who are thinking about entrepreneurship, newly started women owned businesses, struggling and seasoned entrepreneurs who are seeking economic advancement. Women from all walks of life who would like to support women entrepreneurs in the Michiana area through their shopping dollar, business referrals, providing additional opportunities, investing in their business, donate their expertise, refer resources and / or connections. 


Showcase Community Partners: The Pokagon Fund, C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc..

Mishawaka Business Association, H.O.T. Hear Our Tears


Main Stage Schedule: 11AM H.O.T. Domestic Violence Community Ambassador program (launch), 12PM Women Move Forward Entrepreneur Mentoring Community (launch), 1PM Michiana Women Entrepreneurs to Watch 2022 Awards (launch), 2PM Community-wide Women Entrepreneur Business Grand Opening Launch Party.  


Exhibitor (Vendor) Showcase: The focus of this showcase event is to bring into the spotlight new business ideas and business pivots, new business launches, new business startups, new business ideas and innovations, new services and products, new books, and authors. Before the event exhibitors will be standing the in spotlight showcasing their business on C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative and Women Entrepreneur Small Business Showcase event Facebook hosting women entrepreneur video presentation sharing their passion, sneak peak video of their exhibits before the showcase event. At the event women entrepreneurs will be in the spotlight demonstrating their products, services, new ideas, and books!  Exhibitors and Vendors Register here

Shopping Experience: Customer Experience - Beyond their size, small businesses are defined by their spirit. And at the helm are their intrepid founders—scrappy, ambitious, and resilient. Shopping from local women entrepreneur empowers the next generation of entrepreneurs and we need them. Exhibitor (Vendor) Experience: By connecting with your customer you impact feelings and emotion, and that encompasses the entire customer journey moving forward. 


Michiana Women Entrepreneurs to Watch 2022 Awards: Recognizes and rewarding accomplishments of women entrepreneurs who are emerging business leaders, the movers-and-shakers, the disruptors, the innovators, and inspirations for women entrepreneur business in our region now and success to come.  

Grand Opening Launch Party: It’s been quite some time since we have all come together for a blast!

This launch party is designed to acknowledge and support women entrepreneurs’ small businesses who may not have been able to schedule a grand opening or launch for their business due to the pandemic. We acknowledge additional obstacles to hosting an individual small business launch party might be space, location, affordability, business size to invite family, friends, customers and the community to a celebration party for these reasons we are hosting this Michiana community event. 


Event Details

Location: Rio Park Events center 3028 E Mishawaka Ave, South Bend, IN 46615

Time: Setup 8 am – 10 am Event 10 am – 3:00 pm Take down: Immediately following


Hashtag: #womenentrepreneurshowcaseSB

Facebook page:

Community Partners 

Pokagon Fund, H.O.T. Hear Our Tears, Women Entrepreneurs Matters Inc., Kish Photos, Fancy Delights, Expo for Women, C2 Your Health LLC

About C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. (501c3)

C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. is committed to foster a culture of health, wellness and economic success through women entrepreneur success, mentoring and community collaboration supports high school girls, college and women who live-in low-income neighborhoods.



Hashtag: #C2YHWI #womenmentoringwomen #womenmoveforward

OUR BENEFICIARY: All the proceeds from the Women’s Entrepreneur Summit will go to C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. (501c3) providing scholarships to women entrepreneur leadership development, business success strategies and women entrepreneur mentoring to high school girls, women in college and women from low income neighborhoods. 


MaryLou Stevens Mishawaka Business Association.JPG

MaryLou Stevens
Women to Watch 

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Debby C.JPG

Debby Canarini
Women to Watch

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Molly Ratkey.PNG

Molly Ratkey  On-site Coordinator 

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The Real Molly Maid 

Vida Harley

Vida Harley
Volunteer Coordinator

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Sonya Smith Team c2yhwi

Sonya Smith
Grand Opening Launch Party
Co- Coordiantor

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Wealth in Motion

Consulting LLC


Tiff Klemm
Grand Opening Launch Party

Co- Coordiantor

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Ylonda Scptt Womenpreneurs Breaking Barriers

Ylonda Scott 
Exhibitor Experience 

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Ashley Stephens.JPG

Ashley Stephens 
Exhibtor Experience

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South Bend, Indiana

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